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Boxing Day

21342439Happy Boxing Day! Join me in giving away those items that gifts replaced and still have many more years of good use left!

Living in a tiny apartment in Beijing has given me a new appreciation for Boxing Day. My apartment is actually big enough that I have a guest room, but still only about 750 square feet (70 square meters). This means every bit of space is very valuable and I regularly have to reconsider furniture placement, food storage and storage of summer or winter clothing as well as my bike! Today, I’ll be rearranging again as we put in the new furniture and take out the old to be picked up by the salvage collectors.

The feeling of giving away in this season of receiving so many gifts not only helps us feel better about helping our communities, but also helps keep our homes clean and clutter free (at least there isn’t a build up of it!) I love the feeling I get when I donate and know that my clothes and furniture help another family stay warm and have a place to store their own toys, books and even clothes.

This is not a holiday that is officially recognized in the USA, but I think it should be because the good feelings are fantastic and the act is a wonderful gift for ourselves.


Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil

Winter Sunshine Cuticle Oil

4.58 ounces Sunflower Oil (91.5%)
0.25 ounces Meadowfoam Oil (5%)
0.05 ounces Cordyceps Mushroom Extract (1%)
0.05 ounces...

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Orange Butter Lip Balm

This has been one of our most popular promotional lip balms! We are often asked if we brought this lip balm to events, conferences and even business meetings.


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Basic Bar Soap

This recipe is the basic recipe that we use to test fragrances, colors or other additives.


    4 oz Coconut Oil or Palm Kernel Oil (See Comments...
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