Over the years of doing crafts and soap making; I have learned so much about myself. It has taught me to be patient and to never give up (some projects you have to do over and over till it gets done right). But most important it has taught me to give back, and to share with the less fortunate children that are not able to do the crafts whatever their situation might be.
Every year I spend countless hours trying to find donations, donating myself to give to the children the learning and wonderful experience of crafting. The 100’s of children we have been able to give to and meet have taught me to never give up on anything, and when things get tough to just keep your head high.
We had to close our construction company this year do to the fall of the economy and it has brought a strain and depression I would not wish on anybody. And I always think back to the children that don’t have a roof over their head; and I make myself remember it could be worse and to just have faith!