Father’s Day is this Sunday and that means it is fast approaching. Ack! Do you have gifts planned out or are you like me and stunned the holiday snuck up on you? Well, I am officially in panic mode. I though it would be good to go back through the archives and find some spectacular (and astonishingly simple) recipes that save time and face.
Here is a collection of things I will make for my father this coming Father’s Day.
Men’s Aftershave Cream
I recommend this recipe in particular for razor shavers. While razor shavers tend to get a closer shaver, this also means that the delicate skin on their face needs a little extra tender loving care. If you do choose to use Peppermint Essential Oil, keep the usage rate very low. It is better to do an unscented cream than to have a man howling in pain and washing the cream off as fast as he can.
Chocolate Bacon Lip Balm
Now I know that to many of us the combination of chocolate and bacon is stranger than words. It gathers a variety of reactions from distrust to revulsion to absolute adoration. While there may not be a crazier combination in the world of flavors, it has a very loyal following. Within my own circle of friends, every time I make a product containing the Chocolate Bacon Flavor Oil it disappears within 48 hours even faster if the dog has any say in it. Make one for dad this Father’s Day and watch the requests for it roll in.
Mountain Man Cream
This cream is extremely thick but it has a slick, wet feeling to it. I highly recommend this recipe for dry feet, elbows and knees. I also recommend putting it into a wide mouth jar for easy access. It is very thick and stiff but well worth it once rubbed into the skin.
Shower Tablets
Shower tablets are fantastic because they scent the shower, clear sinuses and are extremely easy to use. You can add higher percentages of things like peppermint, eucalyptus or any other scent that is a favorite of dad’s. These may become his favorite all year long!
Red, White and Blue Swirl Soap
I wanted to include a pretty swirled soap for my father. I have quickly discovered my father doesn’t like sparkle but he does like color. He likes that the soap screams to be picked up in the mono-tone cream colored shower. What colors would encourage liberal usage by the man in your life?
What are some of the things you might make for your father?
