The guest blog theme for next week is family. Do you remember in the movie Lilo and Stitch when they say; “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” I love that phrase. Even when family drives me absolutely crazy, they always touch my heart.
Tell us how making soap or other cosmetics has made you appreciate your family and maybe even brought them together. My great grandmother would always help my great grandfather in the family pharmacy in the weeks before Christmas. She would even help him on Christmas Eve! Christmas Eve dinner has always been an important event for my family. Due to the chaos at the family pharmacy, making a big Christmas Eve dinner was always really difficult for my great grandmother. As a result, she started the tradition of having spaghetti and meatballs for the Christmas Eve meal. The marinara sauce could simmer all day while she worked at the pharmacy. It was simple and a time saver for her. To this day, in honor of my great grandmother, we have homemade spaghetti and meatballs. We treasure this family tradition that brought us together so MANY years ago and it is keeping us together so many years later.
Remember, your entry gives you a chance to win a $100 dollar certificate! Yea! Submit your story today!
