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Mandatory Materials - A clean workspace

There are many things I recommend that any cosmetic crafter have available. Some of those include a good scale, a notebook and a large supply of paper towels. All of these items make life so much easier. But there is one thing that I forget to mention that I often take for granted – a clean workspace.

You may be wondering why I am mentioning this today. Well, our test kitchen has been commandeered for testing some new items we will be unveiling in the next few weeks. (You will want to watch the catalog for those sweet items.) So we have been making lots of soap and other products seeing what is up the the MMS quality standard and what isn’t.

It also means that when I stepped into the kitchen this morning to continue our Starting with Soap series, I had a sink stacked high with dishes, messy counters and oils waiting to be put away. Not a great working space. To my chagrin, I spent most of my day cleaning, putting away and scrubbing.

This is a good reminder that two minutes now saves 20+ minutes later. Wipe up spills, wash equipment and put supplies away. You will like your workspace a lot more and it is HUGE in reducing stress when your workspace is clean.

Today I am leaving with a clean blog kitchen so we can start fresh on Monday. I hope to see you there! In the mean time, have a fabulous weekend and a wonderful Mother’s Day.


Psst! Send us a picture of your clean workspace for a chance to win some goodies for you to play with. Submissions must be submitted by 6:00 PM Mountain Time, Sunday. Winners will be notified Monday.

Orange Butter Lip Balm

This has been one of our most popular promotional lip balms! We are often asked if we brought this lip balm to events, conferences and even business meetings.


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Basic Bar Soap

This recipe is the basic recipe that we use to test fragrances, colors or other additives.


    4 oz Coconut Oil or Palm Kernel Oil (See Comments...
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Lemon Cookie Lip Balm

I didn t want to miss out on the slightly nutty kick that the poppy seeds contribute. Instead, I added a small amount of Black Pepper Essential Oil to...
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