This Paprika Powder is great, the color is absolutely amazing. So, I am continuing on with my different powders to add to soap and now I have the paprika powder, thinking potato salad….. no I’m thinking what a beautiful color this would make in my soap. Today I will show you how to include this into your cold process soap and leave the potato salad for another venue like cooking class.Here we go using the Paprika Powder, this is a mild and sweet variety of Capsicum annum. The color is oil soluble and makes a wonderful soap. If you plan to make swirl bars with paprika, then plan on each swirl bleeding the color into the uncolored parts. The oil soluble nature of this natural plant leads to the color being mobile in soap.You can infuse this plant powder into any oil and extract the oil soluble color compounds. Then use the infusion as a natural color. Soaps can be from light, peach color to intensely orange. The odor is mild and very earthy but not smokey. I have gathered some supplies and I’m ready show you how easy adding botanical can be.Supplies Needed:
Recipe in Grams
170.1 Palm Kernel Oil
141.75 grams Coconut Oil
141.75 grams Olive Oil
62.37 grams Lye
177 mL Water
1 tsp Powder |
Recipe in Ounces
6 oz Palm Kernel Oil
5 oz Coconut Oil
5 oz Olive Oil
2.20 oz Lye
6 fl oz Water
5 grams Powder |
Recipe in Percentages
38% Palm Kernel Oil
31% Coconut Oil
31% Olive Oil
Q.S. Lye
Q.S. Water
Q.S. Powder |
I’m going to use the same soap recipe again, as I did when making the soap with infusions. This will give you some ideas and suggestions when you try the infusions or powders in your soap batches.
Begin by weighing all of the oils into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until liquid. Add the Sodium Hydroxide to the water to form a lye solution. Allow the oils and the lye to cool separately until they reach a lower temperature. We do not want to have the soap overheat and volcano. When cooled, mix the oils and lye solution together and blend with immersion blender until trace is achieved. Once your mixture has made it to trace add in your powder approximately 1 teaspoon, mix thoroughly then pour into a mold and allow to sit for 24 hours. Cut the soap. Allow the soap to cure. Longer curing time will result in a harder bar.
I have noticed that when adding the powder that I am getting a bright orange color to the soap. I only used 1 tsp and got this fabulous color.
I have added a few photos to show you the process, I hope you are making some great soaps with me and enjoying the fun. Check out the photos that has all the soaps lined up, Paprika Powder is the fourth batch from the left, beautiful orange color. I’m very happy with this color, I like it. I will keep watching and see if the color changes while it cures.
