I am excited to share with you our second guest blogger this week. I hope you enjoy her story and don’t forget to vote for the guest blog winner of the week! Also, don’t forget to enter your story for a chance to win a $100 MMS gift certificate! Don’t miss out on this amazing deal! Next weeks theme is charity. I hope to see your story!
This time of year has been an especially unique one. My youngest daughter has been pregnant with twin boys and it has been so hard to be patient in order for things to progress far enough for her to be delivered. She went in on November 18th and had a C-Section. We were headed down to see her when we got a call. One of the babies did not make it. Oh how I cannot even begin to describe the empty and sad feeling that this left for us! We had to travel about 3.5 hours to see her and her husband. During that time all we could think of was how we wanted to be there to help comfort and love our family. We went down with the idea that we would only be down there for a couple of days, but ended up staying nearly a whole week.
During the time spent with my daughter and her family, we learned that patience indeed is not a virtue that comes easily. We wanted to see our new little grandson (Charlie) but had to wait as he was in the NICU. We also learned just how thankful we truly are for wonderful family, friends, and professional staff who were all so loving and supportive during a difficult time for everyone. We cried, we laughed, and we just enjoyed each other’s company and the love that we felt. This whole experience made us realize just how short life is and it caused us to hug a little longer, love a whole lot more, appreciate each other more, and let the small stuff go by the wayside a bit more.
We also learned that when you have these “feelings” that you should perhaps pack more clothing, and toiletries, you should listen to that little voice. We got down there and had so soap, no shaving cream or razors, no lotion, and ran out of clothing. Because we were staying at a hotel, we didn’t have easy access to washing our clothing; so we purchased some extra clothing and had to purchase toiletries which we have not had to do in over 12 years! Now, can I tell you that no matter how much marketing goes into saying how “wonderful” a product is, it doesn’t begin to compare with those that you make yourself! The lip balm was blasé, the lotion was sub-standard, and the soap, well even though the company that makes it calls it ¼ moisturizing cream, yeah right…even my worst bar is better than their bar…ugh!
So I have put together a little travel pack that has some disposable razors, and all of the toiletries that we need in order to be prepared: lip balm, herbal toothpaste, shampoo, soap, lotion, mouthwash, deodorant, and of course all of the things that I don’t make as well. This whole experience has helped me to see more of the big picture, and to appreciate the people at work who covered for me and for my husband, and to be excited to get back home to the hand made things that I make. It also made me realize that I should bring extra for others…my daughter needed some lip balm and of course I had none to give so my husband had to go and purchase some…that felt like the CEO of Ford Motor company purchasing a Chevrolet for his child. I know, a slight exaggeration, but I’m sure you see my point.
So my take on all of this? We all have wonderful talents, gifts, and things that we can appreciate and learn to be patient with as we grow along life’s journey. Don’t sweat the small stuff, because in the grand scheme of things, nothing compares to family. Enjoy every precious moment that you have, because you never know when life will take a detour and you may end up somewhere that you hadn’t planned. And even when life throws you a pile of manure, just laugh and keep on digging, because you just know there is a horse under that whole pile somewhere! May we all remember to be a little more kind to others, a little more patient with ourselves, and a little more forgiving especially during this special time of year!
 Our precious little Charlie; 5 pounds, 15 oz.
 Our precious little Charlie; 5 pounds, 15 oz.