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Silk Soap - Cultivated Silk

I wanted to try my hand at a soap with silk. A soap with silk entails that you put some silk fiber into the lye solution prior to mixing your soap. The lye causes the silk to dissolve, allowing the silk protein to move throughout the entire soap. I am not sure if the silk adds anything to the soap besides great marketing. Come join me in the kitchen for some silk soap!

For this recipe, I used our basic soap recipe for testing. We use Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Coconut Oil and Olive Oil. I find this results in a nice firm bar that has wonderful lather. After all, why fix something if it isn’t broken.

In this recipe, I tested using Cultivated Silk. My local yarn store help me choose some different fibers and also explained the difference. Cultivated silk is where the silk worms have been raised in a “farm”. Silk worms that are harvested from the wild produce what is called Tussah Silk. I think it might be interesting to compare the two, but for today we will stick with the Cultivated Silk.

Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Silk Fiber, Cultivated
Microwave Safe Container


Recipe in Grams
170 grams Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated
170 grams Coconut Oil
113 grams Olive Oil
177 mL Water
65 grams Lye
0.4 grams Silk Fiber, Cultivated
Recipe in Ounces
6 oz Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated
6 oz Coconut Oil
4 oz Olive Oil
6 oz Water
2.31 oz Lye
0.015 oz Silk Fiber, Cultivated
Recipe in Percentages
37.5% Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated
37.5% Coconut Oil
25% Olive Oil
Q.S. Water
Q.S. Lye
Q.S. Silk Fiber, Cultivated

Weigh all of the oils into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until liquid. Add the Sodium Hydroxide to the water to form a lye solution. Add the silk to the lye solution. Allow the oils and the lye to cool to a lower temperature. We do not want to have the soap overheat and volcano. Mix the oils and lye solution and blend until trace is achieved. Pour into a mold and allow to sit for 24 hours. Cut the soap. Allow the soap to cure. Longer curing time will result in a harder bar. Enjoy!

Note: When I added the silk to my lye solution, I had to stir in order to get it to dissolve. I would recommend that you cut the fiber into smaller pieces prior to adding it to the lye solution. This will make it easier to dissolve, however, I expect it will still need to be stirred.


Finished Soap

Weighing Oils

Collected Ingredients

Adding Silk to Lye Solution

Stirring In Silk

Silk Attaching to Spoon

Silk Lye Solution

Adding Lye Solution to Oils

Mixing Soap

Mixing Soap

Mixing Soap

Soap in Mold

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Basic Bar Soap

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