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Making Infusions - Supplies Needed

Now that I have collected a few items, I will go over some basic supplies that are needed when making water and oil infusions.

Water infusions – I have decided...

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Making Infusions

That Was Easy
I just finished up making tinctures and decided...

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Spring has sprung!

Spring is here! Snow has melted and plants are starting to push their way up through the soil, budding and turning green. I am reveling in...
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Tincture - Vanilla Beans, ground

I left the Ground Vanilla Beans tincture in the cupboard for approximately two weeks, during which I noticed that the liquid turned a beautiful coppery-brown color. After the two weeks...

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Tincture - Rosebuds & Petals

The rosebuds and petals tincture was the fastest to make approximately three days and I felt that the process was completed. The dried material broke down fairly fast and the...

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Tincture - Peppermint Leaves

I left the peppermint leaves tincture in the cupboard for approximately two weeks, while I did notice that the liquid turned a dark green color fairly quickly the leaves did...

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