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Blog / Category_Thoughts from The Sage>Travels with The Sage

Strange Item to return from China

Two days ago I offered a challenge for all our readers to name the strange, usually discarded item I brought back from China. I’ll review these great guesses and give...

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Wow! We're back!

The trip to China was incredible. Incredible! The food was amazing and plentiful. We had Peking duck and fell in love. We could not believe the price of such a...

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Flavors, Scents and Memories

Steamed dumplings with rice...

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Getting stuck in the translation

>I am loving China. We have had some things get stuck between what we ask for and what we get. You could call it getting stuck in the translation. Only...

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Hysterical Confusion

Do you have family phrases that take on special meanings that...

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Roses on Parade

Roses play a big part in a Chinese wedding. There is a large spray of red roses placed on the hood of the lead car which carries the bride and...

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Beijing China has a lot of different views, odors and sounds. As we travel about the city there are many things I recognize and also things I don’t.

The Chinese...

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The wedding was beautiful

The wedding is over and I’m sitting in my room just collecting my thoughts about today. I’m grateful to a team in the US called The Majestic Family. The crew...

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A new photo to share


Here are two family members hanging over the railing while waiting for our bus. Beijing is hustling at nearly all hours of the day....

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I am in China!

I am on vacation at the moment and I am in China! I have been here for four days and I still can’t believe it....
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Oh no! The countdown continues!


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A Soaper's Essentials

With me leaving for China in 9 days, I want to make sure I have my essentials for making all kinds of body treats while I...
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