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Erin's Lip Balm Formulation - Day 1

Earlier this week I received an email from Erin, who was asking for assistance with two test lip balm recipes she had. She wanted something that ” didn’t leave lips...

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Freebie Friday!

To celebrate the first Friday of this year, I thought it would be nice to have a Freebie Friday. I love being able to try a...
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Family & Charity Guest Blog Winners

I am pleased to announce the winners for the Family & Charity Themed Guest Blogger Challenges. It was hard to choose winners but after a long discussion and vote tallying,...

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Freebie Friday! Er... Tuesday?

Ah… Freebie Friday. It has been a while since I have had a Freebie Friday so this week we are having Freebie Tuesday! With the final mad dash to the...

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Guest Blog Theme - Gratitude

The guest blog theme for next week is gratitude. Many of us could not be where we are today without the help of others and it...
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Family Guest Blog - Julie

I cannot say that soap making is a “family affaire” in my case, but more a personal passion. As I reflect on how it has impacted...
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Family Guest Blog - Judy

For me, making soap is all about family. My oldest daughter has sensitive skin that is prone to eczema and painful drying and cracking in the...
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Family Guest Blog - Crystal

Family,For many it is just a word, but for me it is the center of my soul. I am the youngest of eight children, my father...
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Phthalates - FUD - An engagement ring

We have a lot of requests come in each month regarding our fragrance oils. People are requesting to know if our fragrances are phthalate free or not. I think about...

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Blog Challenge for Guest Bloggers: Thankful

What are you making for Thanksgiving? I was thinking about a soap but I will probably make a lip balm instead. I have been using up bars of strange soaps...

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Freebie Friday!

I would like to ask what got you in the hobby of making your own soaps, lotions, lip balms, perfumes, etc? Do you, or a loved one, have sensitive skin?...

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Scrubs - A Learning Lesson

Now that we have feasted on those delightful Chocolate Oreo Tuffles, I thought we should make a scrub to match. I first made a test batch that didn’t quite turn...

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367 results