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Sunny Body Cream Kit, Unscented

$8100 USD
SKU: 404-3601

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By popular demand, we've added a kit that simplifies the Sunny Body Cream into an easy make and gift item. Now you can make several fun gifts from the exquisite cream and show your friends how easy it is to make such nice gifts.

This kit contains:

Simply spoon (using a metal soup spoon) the Sunny Body Cream Base directly into the 8 fl oz jars that come in your kit. The Sunny Body Cream Base is ready to go, except you need to apply the label to the jar cap!

Need other ideas for filling your jars? Use the technique I use at home. I fill a zipper style bag with some Sunny Body Cream Base, zip closed then cut a small corner of the bag off, about a 1/2 inch long cut across one corner. I then proceed to use the bag as a pastry style bag to fill the jars. I twist the top of the bag and work the product toward the open corner. Once I have squeezed as much as possible I flatten the bag out and use a rubber scraper on the outside of the bag to force the extra Sunny Body Cream Base out of the folds and toward the open corner. Be forewarned: you will need strong hands to use this technique!

One gallon is 128 fl oz. Due to built in head space in the jar design, we expect you will fill 15 jars and have a bit of Sunny Body Cream Base left over.

This kit does not contain any scents, so you can choose your fragrance separately! We generally use a single fluid ounce of fragrance to strongly scent the full gallon of Sunny Body Cream Base. Stir like crazy with the included spoon.

If you wish to color your Body Cream, then we suggest ordering the Water Soluble Colorant Kit. This kit contains the 4 water soluble colors we use for blending, and a package of dropper bottles. Look here for info on the Water Soluble Colorant Kit. I personally find coloring the base to be helpful. I find that when the color is even (no more streaks) that the scent has also been adequately stirred into the base.

All this for a special price!