Labor Day is an American Federal Holiday observed on the first Monday in September that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers. That envelopes a whole lot of people in this country. On this day most people get together with their family and friends to barbeque, eat, play games, and just have fun together. Big box stores have their crazy sales and people like to go out shopping.This year I will be spending Labor Day with my family. There is a lovely little lake near where we live that I enjoy going to. There are ducks, geese, swans, and various other birds that live there and lie in wait to be fed. We enjoy taking a picnic lunch to eat at the lake. Afterwards we bust out the bread and feed the birds. My 3-year-old has not quite got the concept of feeding the birds yet. She holds out the bread and waits for the birds to come up to her and take the bread from her hand. Most of them are not that brave and they just all sort of sit there (birds and child) waiting for the other one to make a move.What are your plans and/or traditions for Labor Day? Whatever they are have fun but be safe and watch out for those other drivers! Next week we are doing Scarecrow Lotion. What is that? Stay tuned!
