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Old World Market Body Balm

One of my favorite things to do here in Beijing is to walk down the streets in busy shopping areas. I’ve really enjoyed walking...
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Vanilla Hazelnut Lotion Bar

Filled Bigger Lip Balm Tubes.
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Spiced Coffee Butter Stick

I love spices and I love coffee. When you mix the two together, I am a very happy camper. I wanted to make a lotion stick...
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Spring Treasure Body Cream for Kids

Kids say some very funny things! My family has things that we say now for fun because of phrases that we kids said when...
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Vanilla and Menthol Foot Cream

Finished Cream

Finished Cream

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Simply Coconut Vanilla Body Cream

When I think of foods made in the spring, I often think about coconut in candies, in cookies, and covering cakes. I decided that I wanted to make a simple...

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Spring Energy Body Cream

Spring is one of my favorite times of year, especially when the flowers begin blooming and the plants are all vibrant colors! I begin...
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Light & Luscious Body Lotion

I like using lotions that can be applied and then I can get back to my day without feeling like I jumped into a...
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Spring Cherry Blossom Body Cream

I love fruit tree blossoms. I think they are some of the prettiest flowers that also produce some very delicious fruits. Cherry blossoms are...
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Virgin Coconut Oil Lotion

Do you know what I have been thinking about today? A vacation. Just get away from the stress of everyday life. I am imagining a sandy...
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I Lost My Mind Body Cream (Or the Importance of Filing Notes Properly)

I had formulated this body cream and had created a small pile of notes about why I had made this simple body cream and...
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Tinctures, Extracts, and Infusions - Oh My!

This is a new area for me and before last month I had never heard of the word – tincture (yes, I had to look it up). I have heard...

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247 results