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Simple Body Cream with Sarah's Spring Time Blend

Finished Body Cream
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Celebrating Groundhog Day!

groundhogCan you believe it? Today is Groundhog Day! While I have...

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Tina's Lanolin Butter

Utah has a very dry and arid climate, and during the winter months, it can be hard to keep the skin hydrated, soft and supple. Body lotions are a must...

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Perfection in a Bottle - Making A Better Facial Oil


Finished Facial Oil

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Yummy Speculoos Cookie Butter for Your Body

Yesterday we made a scrumptious scent blend that smells just like Speculoos Cookie Butter that is available in many grocery stores. I think I am in love. Today I wanted...

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A Simple Hand Salve With Just 4 Ingredients!

Finished Hand Salve


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The Amazing Lost and Found Salve Recipe

Finished Salve

Finished Salve

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Remarkably Wicked Body Cream

Cooled cream on my finger
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Sweet Garden Night Cream

Finished Night Cream


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247 results