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Sweet Garden Night Cream

Finished Night Cream


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Delivery Emails - Will you be home?

upsWe have been talking about UPS MyChoice for a long time! So long in fact that UPS has wondered...

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Oodles of New Products!

NewGood gravy boats! Have you seen the new section...

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Sea Salt Spa Foot Scrub

Finished Sea Salt Foot Scrub
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Coffee Body Lotion Comparison

Finished Lotion

Finished Coffee...

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Coffee Body Lotion with Isopropyl Myristate

Finished Coffee Body Lotion

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Sparkly Salt Potpourri

Finished Salt Potpourri


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Fragrance Blending and Perfumery 101, Day 5

How did you do yesterday? I hope you came up with a blend that you like! I have a few blends that I’m kicking around in my head that were...

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Fragrance Blending and Perfumery 101, Day 4

Today I am going to challenge you. I’ve walked you through three blends using inspiration from photos and memories and we have had some great fun! We’ve seen how blending...

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Fragrance Blending and Perfumery 101, Day 3

Wow! Do you feel like your brain is over loaded yet? Suzanne asked yesterday about using fragrance blends in soap. Do the parts come through or do they need to...

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Fragrance Blending and Perfumery 101, Day 2

SmellMemorySo what did you think of yesterday’s blend? I think it was a...

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Fragrance Blending and Perfumery 101, Day 1

The world of fragrance blending often seems like a mystical world we can’t reach and we find ourselves too intimidated to even try entering. I’m going to bring you on...

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