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Starting with Soap - Day 10

Finished Tamanu Oil Soap

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Starting with Soap - Day 9

Finished Beeswax Soap


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Starting with Soap - Day 8

Finished Soap

Finished Soap

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Starting with Soap - Day 7

Finished Soap

Finished Sea...

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Starting with Soap - Day 6

Finished Soap

Finished Lanolin...

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Starting with Soap - Day 5

Finished Soap

Finished Soap

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Mandatory Materials - A clean workspace

There are many things I recommend that any cosmetic crafter have available. Some of those include a good scale, a notebook and a large supply of paper towels. All of...

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Starting with Soap - Day 4

Finished Soap

Finished Soap

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May 2015 Calendar

MayI can’t believe it is already May! The lilacs and peonies...

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Starting with Soap - Day 3

Finished Soap

Finished Soap

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Starting with Soap - Day 2

Today we should have our basic equipment. Ideally this means you

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Starting with Soap - Day 1

Welcome to Your Soapmaking Journey!
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1790 results