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Make Your Own Lip Balm


    An easy guide for creating your own lip balm recipes is this:
  • 20% Beeswax
  • 25% solid at room temperature oil (Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Shea Butter, Lanolin, etc.)
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Lotion Bar

This was made on the blog on December 21st, 2009.


  • 1.5 oz wt Beeswax
  • 1 oz wt Regular Cocoa...
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Sweet Honeyed Carrot Soap


  • 7.5 oz Coconut Oil
  • 8 oz Castor Oil
  • 8 oz Olive Oil
  • 16 oz Sunflower Oil
  • 16 oz Hydrogenated Soybean...
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Mary's Christmas Soap

Here is a recipe that I concocted for use as a base soap in making all the soaps I have made for Christmas presents. It has worked very well with...
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Lemon Shaped Lemon Scented Soap


  • 16 ounces wt Palm Kernel Oil
  • 16 oz wt Hydrogenated Soybean Oil (shortening)
  • 16 ounces wt Coconut Oil
  • 8 ounces wt...
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Cleansing Body Polisher


    1/2 cup Dead Sea Salt, Fine
    1/4 cup Colorless Jojoba Oil or Golden Jojoba Oil
    1/4 cup Liquid Soap Base
    1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon...
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Tropical Rose Soap


    21 oz wt Coconut Oil
    25 oz wt Palm Oil
    32.75 oz wt Palm Kernel Oil
    5.25 oz wt Shea Butter, Refined

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Cinnamon Rosemary Soap


  • 42 oz wt Olive Oil
  • 39 oz wt Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
  • 32 oz wt Coconut Oil
  • 16 oz wt Lye (sodium...
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Rainy Days Soap

This soap will be in 2 batches as one part is colored. Make both batches at the same time.


Part One
  • 5 oz wt...
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Oatmeal and Honey Almond Soap

This was made on the blog on January 8th, 2010.


  • 8 oz wt Shea Butter, Refined
  • 24 oz wt...
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Cleaning Beeswax


Beeswax is not easy to clean. Nor does it leave your kitchen clean.


Put water in the pot,...

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Valerie's Deer Tallow Soap

Hi folks,
I did it! Since no one wrote about their own experience with this stuff, I decided to experiment. We had gotten a really fat deer and ended up...
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