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Taylor's Intense Hand Cream - Day 2

Finished Hand Cream


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Taylor's Intense Hand Cream - Day 1

Finished Lotion

Finished Hand...

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UPS Shipping Alert! Severe Weather Delays in Louisville, KY

ExclamationI’ve just received an email from UPS notifying us of a...

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Men's Light Face Cream

Jars of Finished Lotion

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February 2015 Calendar

FebruaryI know that February is half way over and I forgot to share...

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Cantaloupe Kisses Lip Balm

Finished Lip Balm


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Mud Scrub - A Daily Facial Scrub

Finished Scrub Ready to Use
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Just for Her - Pretty in Pink Soap

Finished Soap

Finished Soap

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Carpet Freshener

Finished Carpet Freshener

Finished Carpet Freshener

I love the holidays. I...

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Just for Him - Lime Lip Balm

Finished Lip Balm... YUM!

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UPS Shipping Alert! Severe Northeast Winter Weather Delays

ExclamationAs the news has kept us updated with the weather that...

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