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Just for Her - Light Hair Conditioner

Just for Her - Light Hair Conditioner

Finished Conditioner

Finished Conditioner

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Beauty in Bloom Spring Swap

Flower fairyWe just released an exciting new swap on the forum....

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Just for Her - Too Sweet Massage Oil


Finished Massage Oil

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Special Production Run - Paradise

MangoAre you ready? I have another special announcement to make! There are quite...

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Special Production Run – Amber Romance (type)

amberAre you ready? I have another special announcement to make! There are quite...

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Special Production Run - Somali Rose

Rose2Hear ye, hear ye! I have a special announcement to make! There are...

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Liquid Shea Oil VS Semi-Solid Shea


Semi-Solid Shea vs...

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Hydrovance Lesson

We receive a ton of emails each week. Some are so easy to answer and others really challenge our brains. Sometimes I sit in front of my computer rubbing my...

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Volume of my box mold

We know how to calculate volume for the box molds, so far – so good. Do you know we get mold questions all the time? First I want to tell...

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Volume - can you hear me now?

Today I am starting with volume. This word has many meanings in our daily lives. For our kids it means turning up the sound projection of the music. For people...

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A four letter word problem

LemonsOK, I need to come clean. There is a four letter word that drives all soapmakers crazy. Sometimes they...

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1790 results